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Guidance to Habitation and Education in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Arrival and Participate:
Guidance to Habitation and Education in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Im Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg unterstützen wir nach Bedarf neu eingewanderte Menschen vor allem aus Bulgarien und Rumänien, die in prekären Wohnsituationen leben. Wir beraten und begleiten bei der Suche nach einer Wohnung und bei Behördengängen. Darüber hinaus unterstützen wir in diesem Projekt die Bildungsbestrebungen von Kindern im Vorschulalter und beraten Eltern, die ein geeignetes Betreuungsangebot für ihre jungen Kinder (0-6) suchen. In einem verbundenen Projekt im Bezirk arbeiten wir zusammen mit benachteiligten eingewanderten Schulkindern, deren Familien und den Schulen, um den Kindern einen erfolgreichen Schulabschluss zu ermöglichen.

Wir beraten in folgenden Sprachen:
Romanes, Rumänisch, Bulgarisch, Serbisch, Kroatisch, Bosnisch, Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch.

Unser Projektbüro befindet sich im Aufbau Haus: Prinzenstraße 84, 10969 Berlin, Eingang 2 (U-Bahnhof Moritzplatz).

Irène Servant T +49 30 24045-250

Das Projekt “Beratung zu Wohnen und Bildung in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg” wird durch die Bundesministerien für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) und Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) sowie den Europäischen Hilfsfonds für die am stärksten benachteiligten Personen (EHAP) gefördert.

Das Projekt wird in Kooperation mit dem Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg und der finanziellen Unterstützung durch das Jugendamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg durchgeführt.


Diversity-Oriented Organizational Development

“Diversity-oriented” in this context means assuming our society is and should be a diverse place. Diversity in society often presents a challenge for state and civil-society institutions. RAA Berlin has developed various forms of process-oriented consulting and advice-giving, as well as concepts for further training. Participating organizations have an opportunity to closely examine their actions and attitudes, with our support in further developing their own practice. The process improves professionalization, increasing both effectiveness in reaching target groups and equal opportunities.

The aim of the approach is to support local government agencies, pre-school institutions, schools, youth centres and other state and civil-society institutions across Germany in considering their work from a discrimination-critical perspective, and further developing with a focus on diversity.

It is based on the principles and quality criteria of diversity-oriented organizational development devised by the RAA Berlin in conjunction with RAA’s national working group (BAG).

The project is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women
and Youth
within the federal programme “Live Democracy!” and by the Freudenberg Foundation.

Yaari Pannwitz T +49 30 24045-109
Irène Servant T +49 30 24045-250

logo Freudenberg Stiftung

One Square Kilometre of Education in Berlin-Moabit

One Square Kilometre of Education in Berlin-Moabit

One neighbourhood, one area or actually one square kilometre of the city becomes a beacon, an example of what can happen when all stakeholders of the education process work together and pursue the same goal for 10 years: Equal educational opportunities for all children! One Square Kilometre of Education in Berlin-Moabit is a joint project by the Freudenberg Foundation, the RAA Berlin and the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science. One Square Kilometre of Education in Berlin-Moabit is one of seven locations for the inter-regional project “One Square Kilometre of Education”.

Why One Square Kilometre of Education?

No child, no young person gets left behind on her or his educational journey within the neighbourhood. We focus on Moabit-West, a socially-disadvantaged area in which slightly over 20,000 people live and which is characterised by high population fluctuation. We focus on the children of the Carl-Bolle primary school. About 65 per cent of them live in Beusselkiez, one of the poorest areas of Berlin. Their educational opportunities and those of the following generations need to be improved on a long-term basis. We plan and design our projects based on the conditions of the Carl-Bolle school (key school).

Our aim is to establish a culture of learning in all educational institutions, where mutual respect and appreciation is promoted, where children and young people organise their learning themselves and identify their own learning successes. We want to ensure that children and young people recognise learning environments and educational standards when changing from one educational institution to the next. We want to ensure that their language skills are promoted from day one so that they can make good progress in all subjects in school. Movement and the study of scientific issues should promote linguistic and intellectual development in a targeted way. The co-operation between the educational institutions and the networking in the neighbourhood should contribute to supporting and cementing these goals.

Which methods/instruments are applied? How is the work organised?

Our colleagues work jointly with the educational institutions in the neighbourhood primarily with the pre-schools and the key schools. The Pedagogical Workshop (Pädagogische Werkstatt) is the key point of contact. The transition from one institution to the next is adjusted based on the specific needs of the children and, building on existing good practice, institutions further improve the quality of their work. Joint work with the Quartiersbüro serves to strengthen the relationships within the neighbourhood. Further key themes are to improve the work with parents through working jointly with immigrant organisations and with Roma school mediation, which has come to play a significant role in One Square Kilometre of Education in Moabit.

Are there plans to develop the project further?

One Square Kilometre of Education is a learning platform implemented over the course of ten years. All stakeholders learn from and with each other. Ideally, in this way, modules are developed using an inductive procedure that can be easily transferred elsewhere.

The model of in-house learning therapy, developed by the Helga-Breuninger Foundation and implemented jointly with the Pedagogical Workplace, is so well-rehearsed that it can now be introduced in other schools. Similarly, the Roma School mediation is also a module that has been jointly developed with the RAA Berlin and is being further developed. Masters students have focussed their dissertations on interim management or the conditions of collaborative work with parents. This cooperation with academic researchers is certain to reveal new perspectives.

Barbara Kirchner       T +49 30 39840-177

Extremely Democratic - Professionalizing Muslim Youth-Work

Das Projekt “Extrem Demokratisch – Muslimische Jugendarbeit stärken” unterstützt Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren der muslimischen Jugendarbeit in ihrer Tätigkeit wie auch in ihrem Engagement für die Gesellschaft durch Fortbildungen, Qualifizierungen und ein begleitendes Coaching. Zudem bietet das Projekt Möglichkeiten des Austauschs und der Zusammenarbeit mit weiteren Jugendorganisationen an.

Darüber hinaus schafft es einen Rahmen für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren der muslimischen Jugendarbeit, um Gegenstrategien und eigene Antworten auf religiös begründetem Extremismus gemeinsam zu entwickeln. Hierbei geht es darum, mit professioneller Unterstützung und Begleitung eigene Wahrnehmungen und Methoden zu reflektieren und dadurch gute Ansätze der Auseinandersetzung mit religiös begründetem Extremismus weiterzuentwickeln.

Click here for more information.

Berlin – Allgemein
Kofi Ohene-Dokyi T +49 30 24045 – 554

Lydia Nofal T +49 30 24045 – 130

Tanja El-Ghadouini T +49 7131 9730 – 106

Dieses Projekt wird vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms „Demokratie leben!“ gefördert.


In Berlin wird “Extrem Demokratisch” gefördert von der Landeskommission “Berlin gegen Gewalt”


Within Reach (Griffbereit)

Within Reach is a programme that aims to promote the general development of young children (aged between one and three years) as well as support the family’s competence in languages. Parents are introduced to the German education system and they are taught methods to promote creative and independent learning. During Within Reach mentoring and educational materials are used to support parents to promote the welfare of their children and encourage parents to develop their child-rearing competence. Specially trained bilingual mothers or other professionals, employed in the corresponding institutions, provide mentoring in a kindergarten or in a family education centre. The minimum duration of the courses is 6 months and the maximum 24 months.

The parents attend weekly meetings in the institution along with their young children. With the help of the course leader, the parents are encouraged to promote the development of their children using all their senses. Ideas and suggestions for games can be taken home and tried out there. Within Reach is run bilingually. This means that the group meetings take place in the family language as well as in German and therefore inherently include “lived integration”. The bilingual nature of the course can be maintained by one person who speaks both languages or by two course leaders who consistently speak one language each – German and the family language – for the duration of the course. In this way, the parents are on the one hand offered practical help at eye level to raise their children and on the other hand they receive recognition and encouragement in their role as experts for the development of their children. The joint goal of parents and course leaders is the promotion of development. Parents who participate on Within Reach have a greater awareness concerning the competences and needs of their children. Following participation on Within Reach, almost all parents register their children in an early learning centre and receive support for this from the course leaders.

Stefanie Woschniok       T +49 30 90298-1692

Youth-Work and Youth-Social-Work at Berlin Schools

Youth Work and Youth Social Work in Berlin Schools through the RAA Berlin

“Youth-Work in schools” are the former School clubs. With their various services and projects, they contribute to the development of the personalities of school pupils as well as the democratic development of the school.

“Youth-Work in schools” is sustainably support young people who are disadvantaged due to their living environment or socialisation. At the same time, active and creative young people, as well as highly motivated pupils with diverse interests, are supported during their day-to-day school lives.

The premises and services of “Youth-Work in schools” are available for all school pupils during the midday breaks and free periods as well as for pupils to carry out project work. Young people who do not attend the school are welcome to join in after lesson-time. It is here where young people can try to build relationships in their “own space” (between their parental homes and school) with each other – setting up their own rules and bringing together diverse experiences.

The areas of support include:

  • Maintain and improve the self-confidence of the young people
  • Self-development of the young people
  • Development of social competences (imparting values and social learning)
  • Development of independent and confident behavior (for example project organisation)
  • Participation and commitment in school (for example through participation on committees)
  • Political education
  • Awareness raising about the issues “exclusion” and “violence”
  • Appreciation of diversity in society
  • Development of team-working skills
  • Supporting young people to develop maturity to begin vocational training

The RAA Berlin currently runs “Youth-Work in schools” at the following places:

Heinz-Brandt-Schule (Integrierte Sekundarschule)

Anette Becker T 0151 230 41 481

Jüdisches Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn

Schulbezogene Jugendarbeit am Jüdischen Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn

Der Moses Club auf Facebook

Ralf Mahlich T +49 30 7262657-137

Charlotte von Stromberg T +49 30 7262657-137


Magda Abou-Helika T +49 30 818588-19

Anna Altıntaş T +49 30 818588-19

Schule am grünen Grund in Berlin – Lichtenberg

Jugendsozialarbeit mit Willkommensklassen

Solveig Esman T +49 30 24045-100

Das Programm „Jugendsozialarbeit an Berliner Schulen“ wird durch die Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie finanziert.


JUMA: young, muslim, active

JUMA: Young, Muslim, Active
The project “JUMA: Young, Muslim, Active” creates a public platform for Muslim young people. Young, active and eligious people of various backgrounds have the opportunity to get together, compare experiences and jointly reflect on society, on the situation of Muslim people in Germany, about politics, religion, diversity and activism.

The project makes it easier for Muslim young people to gain access to political activists and decision makers in other areas of society. Muslim young people from Mosques and Muslim organisations are directly approached and encouraged to develop an interest in activism. Because this project has received media interest, public images of active, integrated Muslims, who are positive about German society, have been generated: this provides other Muslim young people with an orientation and contributes to a reduction of anti-Islam prejudice in the mainstream society.

Click here for more information.

Kofi Ohene-Dokyi

Lydia Nofal      T +49 30 24045 – 554

Project MORGEN

The project MORGEN (trans. TOMORROW – Jointly Organising for Race Equality and Non-Violence in Education) is an initiative which promotes Race Equality in Schools and Preschools in Berlin. All participants can jointly develop, test and disseminate sustainable “good practice” strategies through participation in the monthly and bi-monthly forums.

The three moderated forums are for

  • Parents, whose children are particularly affected by racist discrimination
  • Teachers and educational assistants, who are particularly affected by racist discrimination
  • Representatives of all stakeholders (for example also school authorities) of preschools and schools in Berlin

In the first instance, the beneficiaries of the project MORGEN are children and young people who, because of racist assumptions as well as structural barriers in the education system, are forced to confront racism. According to Professor Dr. Eggers, these children and young people are “experienced in dealing with racism”. We consult with these children and young people frequently about the concrete steps being taken through co-operation with initiatives like “Fridayz” by EOTO e.V. and JUMA (Young, Muslim, Active) of the RAA e.V. The project (direct activity) is mainly focused on parents, teachers and educational assistants who experience racism.

The aim of the project is through a dialogic process, to make the perspectives of children, young people, parents, teachers and educational assistants who experience racism more visible in the work processes of schools and pre-schools.

Katja Kinder T+49 30 24045-100

Shaheen Wacker H +49 151 64914178

The project MORGEN is being funded by the Berlin State Administration for Justice, Consumer Protection and Anti-Discrimination through the State Programm “Democracy. Diversity. Respect. Against Right-Wing Extremism, Racism and Antisemitism”.

Roma School Mediation Service of the RAA Berlin

The aim of the Roma school mediation service is to improve the educational chances of young Roma people, for the event that this kind of support is needed, as well as the long-term inclusion of all children and young people in the education sector (equal opportunities for participation with equal access).

The child or young person is at the centre of the school mediation process. Ideally, mediation means that the communication between the two sides is supported in such a way that the parties themselves will be able to reach a lasting solution. The collaboration between schools and families is based on the joint aim of educational success.

The school mediators support the mutual understanding and good communication of both sides through parent-teacher talks, family visits and supervision of children, among other things. They ensure that honest communication between all involved parties takes place. They are available to all parties (parents and school staff) as a point of contact and act in the interest of the children and young people.

Activities and Tasks of the School Mediation Team

  • Help with the school enrollment, school preparations and transfer of information (e.g. with questions regarding the school career of the children, medical examinations, appointments).
  • Intervention in the case of truancy.
  • House visits.
  • Supervision and mentoring of school children in lessons and extra-curricula activities.
  • To provide tutoring and other educational and cultural activities, to recommend service providers to do the same, or to support teachers.
  • Establish contact to teachers and other educational staff.
  • Develop relationships of trust with children and parents.
  • Improve motivation (of parents – children – families)
  • Participation at parents evenings and teacher conferences.
  • Supervision of parent-teacher talks, mediation in situations of conflict.
  • Awareness-raising concerning discriminatory situations and discrimination against Romany people. Where discrimination occurs, the mediators act as advocates for the children and families.
  • Organisation of further support.
  • Investigation into specific needs and organisation of suitable measures in cooperation with the school social services, the educational support team, the regional social support services and the youth welfare office.

At the moment 8 Romany mediators are working mainly in the districts of Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Lichtenberg. In the district of Mitte (Alt-Moabit and Wedding) the RAA is cooperating with 5 schools where Romany school mediators are employed. These include: Wedding-Grundschule, Humboldthain-Grundschule, Carl-Bolle-Grundschule, ISS Willy-Brandt, Schule am Zille-Park (formerly Wilhelm-Busch-Schule). In Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg the e.o.plauen-Grundschule is a partner, although the mediator based there is also the contact person for the whole district. The cooperation partners in Lichtenberg are the Adam Ries Grundschule and the Schule Am Breiten Luch.

Dr. Andrés Nader T +49 30 24045-100

The Roma School Mediation is being funded with the generous help of the Freudenberg Foundation, through the Programme for Youth Social Work in Berlin Schools – Youth Social Work with Special Goals, in the context of the project RomaPro and through the Office of Youth Services in Berlin-Mitte.


“Rucksack” is a programme which is offered on pre-school and primary school premises and provides language and family education in an everyday setting. It is targeted at children between three and eight years old  as well as their parents. Currently, “Rucksack” is being offered at 20 pre-schools and five primary schools in Berlin. The key aims of the Rucksack programme are:

  • Promotion and appreciation of multilingualism and the holistic development of children
  • Promotion of cooperation between educational institutions and the parental home
  • Improvement of educational opportunities for all children

As part of the programme, parents meet once a week in the pre-school or school with one of the parent-mentors. The mentor introduces the Rucksack materials to the parents and encourages them to consider how these can be playfully introduced in their own homes in their family language. In this way, the family language gains recognition as a valuable resource. At the same time the topics are integrated into the work with all of the children in German in the pre-school or school setting. The appreciation shown to, as well as the promotion of, the first and second languages has a positive effect on the children’s overall competence. “Rucksack” is as easily integrated into the pre-school and school daily routine as it is into the family day-to-day life. It creates positive and regular opportunities for parents to exchange views and experiences and therefore supports the relationship between the parents and the educational institution.

Since 2017 “Rucksack” is approved in Lichtenberg and Marzahn with families with fleeingexperiences .

Rucksack School:
Sabrina Putschandl T +49 30 90298-1693

Rucksack Kita:
Stefanie Woschniok T +49 30 90298-1692

Service Centre: Parental Participation and Language Development

Service Centre: Parental Participation and Language Development
The Service Centre: Parental Participation and Language Development is part of the youth welfare office of the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and the RAA Berlin.
The key areas of work are:

  • Guidance for pre-schools and primary schools on the subject of parental participation with specific emphasis on families with migration backgrounds.
  • Coordination of the family education and language development programme “Rucksack” and the bilingual play group “Within Reach” (Griffbereit).
  • Coordination of the Berlin-based parent research group and the international exchange with the UPP-Groups from France and Belgium.
  • Organisation and realisation of advanced training courses about parental participation, intercultural competence, anti-bias, Early Excellence centres, language development and multilingualism, family literacy programmes and mentoring of fathers.
  • Supporting the networking of youth welfare organisations, schools, pre-schools and family centres, libraries, youth welfare offices and other institutions in the same discipline

The Service Centre aims to improve communication and cooperation between parents, educational institutions (pre-schools and schools) and other social service institutionswith the goal of improving chances for all children and reducing educational disadvantages. The diversity of family cultures are taken into account, as are language barriers, poverty and the parents’ lack of access to educational institutions. The Service Centre aims to initiate local processes and support those which are lively and sustainable. The prerequisite for success however is mutual appreciation and the optimum use of resources for all participants.

As a joint institution of an independent organisation and the municipality, the Service Centre is also part of the initiative Die Werkstatt. . As part of this work, the Service Centre is able to draw attention to its key themes, particularly in training programmes for teachers, other educators and social workers.

Stefanie Woschniok
Müslüm Bostanci
Frank Hajdu
Sabrina Putschandl

Die Werkstatt.
Familie, Schule und Jugendhilfe gemeinsam denken

Adalbertstraße 23 B, 10997 Berlin, T+ 49 20 90298 – 1692/93

Language Development and After-School Tutoring in Wedding

SPRINT is a project that aims to improve the promotion of education and language development in the Berlin district of Wedding. SPRINT focuses on motivated school pupils with a migration background who are in years 5 to 13, who want to improve their grades and gain good qualifications. SPRINT supports these children and young people in all school subjects as well as trainee teachers looking to gain practical experience working in schools.

Language development and after-school tutoring are free for school pupils. SPRINT takes place at 6 schools located in disadvantaged areas in the Berlin district of Wedding as well as in the Medienhof-Wedding. It is financed in part through unallocated funds of the school, partly through the foundation German Lottery Berlin, the Kewis- and the Geißer foundations and through private donations.

SPRINT works closely with the library in Luisenbad and the adult education centre in Mitte. SPRINT organizes theatre play with school pupils, arranges excursions and activities. SPRINT also produces school materials for language development.

Herbert Weber       T +49 30 49768-460


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